Spinney Wood
Spinney Wood is an area of ancient woodland south of the village of Aylesham. The woodland has a long history of coppice, with hazel and sweet chestnut cut for use by local people. This management continues today and has resulted in a rich ground flora with many species of wildflower including orchids to be found.
Footpaths link to the site, with the North Downs Way less than a half mile walk from Spinney Wood. We manage Spinney Wood on behalf of Aylesham Parish Council.
Things to look out for
Dormice, woodpecker, hawfinch, tree-creeper, tawny owl, brimstone and speckled wood butterflies, bluebells, butcher’s broom and orchids.
Visitor Information
Open: 24 hours
Parking: No on-site parking. On street parking available nearby.
Accessibility: Uneven surfaces and narrow paths.
Dogs: Welcome on leads.
Facilities: No on-site facilities.
Nearest bus stop: Industrial Estate (Route 89, 89b, 95)